Landscapes and Landforms of Spain. Francisco Gutiérrez and Mateo Gutiérrez (Eds.). Springer. ISBN: 978-94-017-8627-0 (Print) 978-94-017-8628-7 (Online). Pp. 155-163, 2014
Montserrat Jiménez-Sánchez, Daniel Ballesteros, Laura Rodríguez-Rodríguez, María José Domínguez-Cuesta
Landscapes and Landforms of Spain. Francisco Gutiérrez and Mateo Gutiérrez (Eds.). Springer. ISBN: 978-94-017-8627-0 (Print) 978-94-017-8628-7 (Online). Pp. 239-248., 2014
Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, 272(2), 129-145., 2014
Martínez Chacón, M.L. & Winkler Prins
Description of a bryozoan fauna from mud mounds of the Lebanza Formation (Lower Devonian) in the Arauz area (Pisuerga-Carrion Province, Cantabrian Zone, NW Spain) (vol 34, pg 693, 2012)
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Ernst, Andrej; Pedro Fernandez, Luis; Fernandez-Martinez, Esperanza; et al.
An intrusion-related gold deposit (IRGD) in the NW of Spain, the Linares deposit: Igneous rocks, veins and related alterations, ore features and fluids involved
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Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 124, 101-126, 2013
A. Cepedal, M. Fuertes-Fuente, A. Martín-Izard, J. García-Nieto, M.C. Boiron
Thermodynamic properties of the (Ba,Pb)SO4 solid solution under ambient conditions: Implications for the behavior of Pb and Ra in the environment
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Fernandez-Gonzalez, Angeles; Carneiro, Joana; Katsikopoulos, Dionisis; et al.
Last Interglacial (MIS 5) ungulate assemblage from the Central Iberian Peninsula: The Camino Cave (Pinilla del Valle, Madrid, Spain)
Earth-Science Reviews, Volume 135, August 2014, Pages 162-183, 2014
Fernando Bastida, Jesús Aller, Francisco J. Fernández, Richard J. Lisle, Nilo C. Bobillo-Ares, Omar Menéndez
Plant Communities as a key factor in biogeochemical processes involving micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Co, and Cu) in Antarctic soils (Byers Peninsula, maritime Antarctica)
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Geoderma, 195–196: 145-154, 2013
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Conodont chronostratigraphic resolution and Declinognathodus evolution close to the Mid-Carboniferous Boundary in the Barcaliente Formation type section (NW Spain)
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Sanz-López, J., Blanco-Ferrera, S. and Sánchez de Posada, L.C.
Early evolution of Declinognathodus close to the Mid-Carboniferous boundary interval in the Barcaliente type section (Spain)
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Manuel Prieto, José Manuel Astilleros and Lourdes Fernández-Díaz
S.N. Césari, P. Busquets, F. Colombo Piñol, I. Méndez Bedia, C.O. Limarino
3D geological modelling of a polyphase deformed pre‐Variscan IOCG mineralization located at the southeastern border of the Ossa Morena Zone, Iberian Massif (Spain)
Fernández-Viejo Gabriela, López-Fernández Carlos, Domínguez-Cuesta María José & Cadenas Patricia
The presence of plumboan ingodite and a rare Bi-Pb tellurosulfide, Pb3Bi4Te4S5, in the Limarinho gold deposit, northern Portugal.
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The Canadian Mineralogist, 51(4), 643-651., 2013
Cepedal, A., Martínez-Abad, I., Fuertes-Fuente, M., & Lima, A.
Evolution of the Salinas-El Espartal and Xago beach/dune systems in north-western Spain over recent decades: evidence for responses to natural processes and anthropogenic interventions
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Flor-Blanco, German; Flor, German; Pando, Luis
An indurated Pleistocene coastal barrier on the inner shelf of the Gulf of Valencia (western Mediterranean): evidence for a prolonged relative sea-level stillstand
In: J. Poblet & R. Lisle (Eds.) (Kinematic Evolution and Structural Styles of Fold-and-Thrust Belts). Geological Society of London, Special Publications, 349, pp. 169-184, 2011
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Vital effects in coccolith calcite: Cenozoic climate-pCO(2) drove the diversity of carbon acquisition strategies in coccolithophores
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Paleoceanography, 2012
Bolton, Clara T.; Stoll, Heather M.; Mendez-Vicente, Ana.
The role of fractional crystallization in the genesis of early syn-D-3, tin-mineralized Variscan two-mica granites from the Carrazeda de Ansides area, northern Portugal.
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Teixeira, R. J. S.; Neiva, A. M. R.; Gomes, M. E. P.; Corfu, F.; Cuesta, A.; Croudace, I. W.
Evolved granitic systems as a source of rare-element deposits: The Ponte Segade case (Galicia, NW Spain)