
Departamento de Geología

The Picos de Europa National and Regional Parks

Referencia y año:
Landscapes and Landforms of Spain. Francisco Gutiérrez and Mateo Gutiérrez (Eds.). Springer. ISBN: 978-94-017-8627-0 (Print) 978-94-017-8628-7 (Online). Pp. 155-163, 2014
Montserrat Jiménez-Sánchez, Daniel Ballesteros, Laura Rodríguez-Rodríguez, María José Domínguez-Cuesta

Raised Beaches in the Cantabrian Coast

Referencia y año:
Landscapes and Landforms of Spain. Francisco Gutiérrez and Mateo Gutiérrez (Eds.). Springer. ISBN: 978-94-017-8627-0 (Print) 978-94-017-8628-7 (Online). Pp. 239-248., 2014
Germán Flor,Germán Flor-Blanco

Kozlowskia (Productidina, Brachiopoda) from late Bashkirian/early Moscovian (Pennsylvanian), Cantabrian Mountains (N Spain)

Referencia y año:
Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, 272(2), 129-145., 2014
Martínez Chacón, M.L. & Winkler Prins

Description of a bryozoan fauna from mud mounds of the Lebanza Formation (Lower Devonian) in the Arauz area (Pisuerga-Carrion Province, Cantabrian Zone, NW Spain) (vol 34, pg 693, 2012)

Referencia y año:
Ernst, Andrej; Pedro Fernandez, Luis; Fernandez-Martinez, Esperanza; et al.

An intrusion-related gold deposit (IRGD) in the NW of Spain, the Linares deposit: Igneous rocks, veins and related alterations, ore features and fluids involved

Referencia y año:
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 124, 101-126, 2013
A. Cepedal, M. Fuertes-Fuente, A. Martín-Izard, J. García-Nieto, M.C. Boiron

Thermodynamic properties of the (Ba,Pb)SO4 solid solution under ambient conditions: Implications for the behavior of Pb and Ra in the environment

Referencia y año:
Fernandez-Gonzalez, Angeles; Carneiro, Joana; Katsikopoulos, Dionisis; et al.

Last Interglacial (MIS 5) ungulate assemblage from the Central Iberian Peninsula: The Camino Cave (Pinilla del Valle, Madrid, Spain)

Referencia y año:
Alvarez-Lao, Diego J.; Arsuaga, Juan L.; Baquedano, Enrique; et al.

Vegetation and hydrogeology along the distribution range of Centaurium somedanum, an endemic plant of mountain calcareous springs

Referencia y año:
Borja Jiménez-Alfaro, Susana Fernández Menéndez, Álvaro Bueno, José Antonio Fernández Prieto

Degradability of building stone: Influence of the porous network on the rate of dissolution of carbonate and evaporitic rocks

Referencia y año:
Cardenes Van den Eyndea, Victor; Javier Mateosb, Felix; Paradelo, Remigio

Chronic effects of lead (Pb) on bone properties in red deer and wild boar: Relationship with vitamins A and D-3

Referencia y año:
Rodriguez-Estival, Jaime; Alvarez-Lloret, Pedro; Rodriguez-Navarro, Alejandro B.; et al.

A case of man-induced ground subsidence and building settlement related to karstified gypsum (Oviedo, NW Spain)

Referencia y año:
Pando, Luis; Pulgar, Javier A.; Gutierrez-Claverol, Manuel

Age and significance of the Quaternary cemented deposits of the Duje Valley (Picos de Europa, Northern Spain)

Referencia y año:
Villa, Elisa; Stoll, Heather; Farias, Pedro; et al.

Tectonothermal evolution of a major thrust system: the Esla-Valsurbio unit (Cantabrian zone, NW Spain)

Referencia y año:
Geological Magazine, 150 (6), 1047-1061, 2013
García-López, S., Bastida, F., Aller, J., Sanz-López, J., Marín, J.A. and Blanco-Ferrera, S.

Recumbent folds: Key structural elements in orogenic belts

Referencia y año:
Earth-Science Reviews, Volume 135, August 2014, Pages 162-183, 2014
Fernando Bastida, Jesús Aller,  Francisco J. Fernández, Richard J. Lisle, Nilo C. Bobillo-Ares, Omar Menéndez

Plant Communities as a key factor in biogeochemical processes involving micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Co, and Cu) in Antarctic soils (Byers Peninsula, maritime Antarctica)

Referencia y año:
Geoderma, 195–196: 145-154, 2013
Otero; X.L.; S. Fernández, M.A. de Pablo Hernandez, E.C. Nizoli, A. Quesada

Conodont chronostratigraphic resolution and Declinognathodus evolution close to the Mid-Carboniferous Boundary in the Barcaliente Formation type section (NW Spain)

Referencia y año:
Lethaia, 46 (4), 438-453, 2013
Sanz-López, J., Blanco-Ferrera, S. and Sánchez de Posada, L.C.

Early evolution of Declinognathodus close to the Mid-Carboniferous boundary interval in the Barcaliente type section (Spain)

Referencia y año:
Palaeontology. 56 (5), 927-946, 2013
Sanz-López, J. and Blanco-Ferrera, S.

Environmental remediation by crystallization of solid solutions

Referencia y año:
Elements 9, 195-201, 2013
Manuel Prieto, José Manuel Astilleros and Lourdes Fernández-Díaz

Structure and metamorphism of the Gondwanan basement in the Bariloche region (North Patagonian Argentine Andes)

Referencia y año:
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98(7): 1599-1608, 2009
García-Sansegundo, J., P. Farias, G. Gallastegui, R.E. Giacosa, N. Heredia

Extensional tectonics and gravitational collapse in an Ordovician passive margin: The Western Argentine Precordillera

Referencia y año:
Gondwana Research, 13(2): 204-215, 2008
Alonso, J.L., J. Gallastegui, J. García-Sansegundo, P. Farias, L.R. Fernández Rodríguez, V.A. Ramos

The Basement of the Andean Frontal Cordillera in the Cordon del Plata (Mendoza, Argentina): Geodynamic Evolution

Referencia y año:
Andean Geology, 39(2): 242-257, 2012
N. Heredia, P. Farias, J. García-Sansegundo, L. Giambiagi

A late Paleozoic fossil forest from the southern Andes, Argentina

Referencia y año:
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 333: 131-147, 2011
S.N. Césari, P. Busquets, I. Méndez Bedia, F. Colombo Piñol, C.O. Limarino, R. Cardó, G. Gallastegui

Nurse logs: An ecological strategy in a late Palaeozoic forest from the southern Andean region

Referencia y año:
Geology, 38(4): 295-298, 2010
S.N. Césari, P. Busquets, F. Colombo Piñol, I. Méndez Bedia, C.O. Limarino

3D geological modelling of a polyphase deformed pre‐Variscan IOCG mineralization located at the southeastern border of the Ossa Morena Zone, Iberian Massif (Spain)

Referencia y año:
Geological Journal, 45(5‐6), 623-633, 2010
Gumiel, P., Arias, M., & Martín‐Izard, A.

The Jou Puerta cave (Asturias, NW Spain): A MIS 3 large mammal assemblage with mixture of cold and temperate elements

Referencia y año:
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Volume 393, 1 January 2014, Pages 1–19, 2014
Diego J. Álvarez-Lao

Multifractal analysis of geochemical anomalies: A tool for assessing prospectivity at the SE border of the Ossa Morena Zone, Variscan Massif (Spain)

Referencia y año:
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2012
Arias, M., Gumiel, P., & Martín-Izard, A.

How much confidence can be conferred on tectonic maps of continental shelves? The Cantabrian-Fault case

Referencia y año:
Nature Scientific Reports, 4, 3661; DOI:10.1038/ srep03661, 2014
Fernández-Viejo Gabriela, López-Fernández Carlos, Domínguez-Cuesta María José & Cadenas Patricia

The presence of plumboan ingodite and a rare Bi-Pb tellurosulfide, Pb3Bi4Te4S5, in the Limarinho gold deposit, northern Portugal.

Referencia y año:
The Canadian Mineralogist, 51(4), 643-651., 2013
Cepedal, A., Martínez-Abad, I., Fuertes-Fuente, M., & Lima, A.

Evolution of the Salinas-El Espartal and Xago beach/dune systems in north-western Spain over recent decades: evidence for responses to natural processes and anthropogenic interventions

Referencia y año:
Flor-Blanco, German; Flor, German; Pando, Luis

An indurated Pleistocene coastal barrier on the inner shelf of the Gulf of Valencia (western Mediterranean): evidence for a prolonged relative sea-level stillstand

Referencia y año:
Alcantara-Carrio, Javier; Albarracin, Silvia; Montoya Montes, Isabel; Flor-Blanco, German, et al.

Surface Subsidence Induced by Groundwater Drainage Tunneling in Granite Residual Soils (Burata Railway Tunnel, Spain)

Referencia y año:
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2013
Lopez-Fernandez, Carlos; Arias Prieto, Daniel; Fernandez-Viejo, Gabriela; Pando, Luis; Castells Fernandez, Enrique

Morphological characteristics and sand volumes of different coastal dune types in Essaouira Province, Atlantic Morocco

Referencia y año:
Flor-Blanco, German; Flor, German; Lharti, Saadia; Pando, Luis

Evaluation of the petrophysical properties of sedimentary building stones in order to establish quality criteria

Referencia y año:
Vazquez, P.; Alonso, F. J.; Carrizo, L.; et al.

Buttressing and reverse reactivation of a normal fault in the Jurassic rocks of the Asturian Basin, NW Iberian Peninsula

Referencia y año:
Tectonophysics, 2013
H. Uzkeda, M. Bulnes, J. Poblet, J.C. García-Ramos, L. Piñuela

The link between brushite and gypsum: Miscibility, dehydration and crystallochemical behavior in the CaHPO4.2H2O-CaSO4.2H2O system.

Referencia y año:
Crystal Growth and Design 12, 445-455., 2012
Pinto A.J., Carneiro, J., Katsikopoulos, D. Jiménez A. and Prieto M.

Effects of lead shot ingestion on bone mineralization in a population of red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa)

Referencia y año:
Science of the Total Environment , 2013
Álvarez-Lloret P., Rodríguez-Navarro A.B., Romanek Ch. S., Ferrandis P., Martínez-Haro M., Mateo R.

Anglesite (PbSO4) epitactic overgrowths and substrate-induced twinning on anhydrite (CaSO4) cleavage surfaces.

Referencia y año:
Journal of Crystal Growth 380, 130-137., 2013
Morales, J., Astilleros, J.M., Fernández-Díaz, L., Alvarez-Lloret P. and Jiménez A.

The relationship between carbonate facies, volcanic rocks and plant remains in a Late Palaeozoic lacustrine system (San Ignacio Fm, Frontal Cordillera, San Juan province, Argentina)

Referencia y año:
International Journal of Earth Science, 102: 1271–1287, 2013
P. Busquets, I. Méndez Bedia, G. Gallastegui, F. Colombo Piñol, R. Cardó, C.O. Limarino, N. Heredia, S.N. Césari

Petrogenesis of Early Paleozoic basalts and gabbros in the western Cuyania terrane: Constraints on the tectonic setting of the southwestern Gondwana margin (Sierra del Tigre, Andean Argentine Precordillera)

Referencia y año:
Gondwana Research, 24 (1), 359-376, 2013
L. González-Menéndez, G. Gallastegui, A. Cuesta, N. Heredia, A. Rubio-Ordóñez

Origin and provenance of igneous clasts from Upper Paleozoic conglomerate formations in the Andean Precordillera (San Juan, Argentina): El Ratón and El Planchón formations

Referencia y año:
Journal of Iberian Geology, 40 (2), 261-282, 2014
G. Gallastegui, L. González-Menéndez, A. Rubio-Ordóñez, A. Cuesta, J. Gerdes

Reactivation of Paleozoic structures during the Cenozoic deformation in the Cordón del Plata and Southern Precordillera ranges (Mendoza, Argentina)

Referencia y año:
Journal of Iberian Geology, 40 (2), 309-320, 2014
L. Giambiagi, J. Mescua, N. Heredia, P. Farías, J. García-Sansegundo, C. Fernández, S. Stier, D. Pérez, F. Bechis, S. M. Moreiras, A. Losada

The Palaeozoic basement of the Andean Frontal Cordillera at 34º S (Cordón del Carrizalito, Mendoza Province, Argentina): Geotectonic implications

Referencia y año:
Journal of Iberian Geology, 40 (2), 321-330, 2014
J. García-Sansegundo, P. Farias, A. Rubio-Ordóñez, N. Heredia

The neopaleozoic of the Sierra de Castaño (Andean Cordillera Frontal, San Juan, Argentina): tectonic and paleoenviromental reconstruction

Referencia y año:
Andean Geology, 40(1): 172-195, 2013
P. Busquets, C.O. Limarino, R. Cardó, I. Méndez Bedia, G. Gallastegui, F. Colombo Piñol, N. Heredia, S.N. Césari

Structure of the Andean Paleozoic basement in the Chilean coast at 31º 30' S: Geodynamic evolution of a subduction margin

Referencia y año:
Journal of Iberian Geology, 40 (2), 293-308, 2014
J. García-Sansegundo, P. Farias, N. Heredia, G. Gallastegui, R. Charrier, A. Rubio-Ordóñez, A. Cuesta

Stratigraphy and Structure of the Punta Negra Anticline. Implications on the structural evolution of the Argentine Precordillera

Referencia y año:
Journal of Iberian Geology, 40 (2), 283-292, 2014
J. L. Alonso, J. Gallastegui, L. R. Rodríguez Fernández, J. García-Sansegundo

Hercynian structure of the axial zone of the Pyrenees throught the Aran Valley cross-section (Spain-France).

Referencia y año:
Journal of Structural Geology, 18, 11, 1315-1325, 1996
García-Sansegundo, J.

Hinterland-foreland zonation of the Variscan orogen in the Central Pyrenees: comparison with the northern part of the Iberian Variscan Massif

Referencia y año:
In: J. Poblet & R. Lisle (Eds.) (Kinematic Evolution and Structural Styles of Fold-and-Thrust Belts). Geological Society of London, Special Publications, 349, pp. 169-184, 2011
García-Sansegundo, J.; Poblet, J.; Alonso, J. L.; Clariana, P.

Preuves de la discordance de l'Ordovicien supérieur dans la Zone Axiale des Pyrénées: exemple du Dôme de la Garonne (Espagne, France)

Referencia y año:
Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 336, 1035-1040, 2004
García-Sansegundo, J.; Gavaldá, J.; Alonso, J.L.

Ostracod and conodont faunal changes across the Frasnian-Famennian (Devonian) boundary at Els Castells, Spanish central Pyrenees

Referencia y año:
Revue de Micropaléontologie, 51(3), 205–219, 2008
Sanchez de Posada, L.C.; Sanz-Lopez, J.; Gozalo, R.

Amortissement lateral du chevauchement de Gavarnie et sa relation avec les unités sud-pyrénéennes

Referencia y año:
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences Série II Fascicule A - Sciences de la Terre et des Planètes, 327, 699-704, 1998
Soler, D.; Teixell, A.; García-Sansegundo, J.

Nuevas aportaciones al conocimiento de la estructura varisca y alpina de la lámina cabalgante de Bono, Zona Axial, Pirineos centrales

Referencia y año:
Trabajos de Geología, Universidad de Oviedo, 27, pp. 159-177, 2007
Gutiérrez-Medina, M.

Variscan structure of eastern part of the Pallaresa massif, Axial Zone of the Pyrenees (NW Andorra). Tectonic implications

Referencia y año:
Bulletin de la Societé Géologique de France, 180 (6), 501-511, 2009
Clariana, P.; García-Sansegundo, J.

Pennsylvanian carbonate platforms adjacent to deltaic systems in an active marine foreland basin (Escalada Fm., Cantabrian Zone, NW Spain)

Referencia y año:
Basin Research, 03/2014, DOI:10.1111/bre.12068, 2014
Juan Ramón Bahamonde, Oscar Merino-Tomé, Giovanna Della Porta, Elisa Villa

Effects of midlatitude westerlies on the paleoproductivity at the Agulhas Bank slope during the penultimate glacial cycle: Evidence from coccolith Sr/Ca ratios

Referencia y año:
Paleoceanography, 2014
Luz María Mejía, Patrizia Ziveri, Marilisa Cagnetti, Clara Bolton, Rainer Zahn, Gianluca Marino, Gema Martínez-Méndez, and Heather Stoll

Multifractal analysis of geochemical anomalies: A tool for assessing prospectivity at the SE border of the Ossa Morena Zone, Variscan Massif (Spain).

Referencia y año:
Journal Of Geochemical Exploration, 2012
Arias, Monica; Gumiel, Pablo; Martin-Izard, Agustin.

Vital effects in coccolith calcite: Cenozoic climate-pCO(2) drove the diversity of carbon acquisition strategies in coccolithophores

Referencia y año:
Paleoceanography, 2012
Bolton, Clara T.; Stoll, Heather M.; Mendez-Vicente, Ana.

The role of fractional crystallization in the genesis of early syn-D-3, tin-mineralized Variscan two-mica granites from the Carrazeda de Ansides area, northern Portugal.

Referencia y año:
Lithos, 2012
Teixeira, R. J. S.; Neiva, A. M. R.; Gomes, M. E. P.; Corfu, F.; Cuesta, A.; Croudace, I. W.

Evolved granitic systems as a source of rare-element deposits: The Ponte Segade case (Galicia, NW Spain)

Referencia y año:
Lithos, 153, 165-176., 2012
Canosa, Francisco, Martin-Izard, Agustin; Fuertes-Fuente, Mercedes.