Ocean acidification and surface water carbonate production across the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum.
Referencia y año:
'Earth And Planetary Science Letters. ', 2010
' Gibbs, Samantha J.; Stoll, Heather M.; Bown, Paul R.; Bralower, Timothy J. '
Dating of the Hominid (Homo Neanderthalensis) Remains Accumulation from El Sidron Cave (Piloña, Asturias, North Spain): An Example Of A Multi-Methodological Approach to the Dating ff Upper Pleistocene Sites.
Referencia y año:
Archaeometry, 2010
de Torres, T.; Ortiz, J. E.; Gruen, R.; Eggins, S.; Valladas, H.; Mercier, N.; Tisnerat-Laborde, N.; Julia, R.; Soler, V.; Martinez, E.; Sanchez-Moral, S.; Canaveras, J. C.; Lario, J.; Badal, E.; Lalueza-Fox, C.; Rosas, A.; Santamaria, D.; de la Rasilla, M.; Fortea, J.
Kinematic analysis of asymmetric folds in competent layers using mathematical modelling.
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'Journal Of Structural Geology. ', 2010
' Aller, J.; Bobillo-Ares, N. C.; Bastida, F.; Lisle, R. J.; Menendez, C. O. '
Mineralogy and modulus of rupture of roofing slate: Applications in the prospection and quarrying of slate deposits.
Referencia y año:
'Engineering Geology. ', 2010
' Cardenes, V.; Rubio-Ordonez, A.; Lopez-Munguira, A.; De la Horra, R.; Monterroso, C.; Paradelo, R.; Calleja, L. '
Rodents from the Lower Oligocene of the Bierzo Basin (Leon, Spain).
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'Neues Jahrbuch Fur Geologie Und Palaontologie-Abhandlungen. ', 2010
A geometric and kinematic model for double-edge propagating thrusts involving hangingwall and footwall folding. An example from the Jaca-Pamplona Basin (Southern Pyrenees).
Referencia y año:
Geological Journal. , 2010
Uzkeda, Hodei; Poblet, Josep; Bulnes, Mayte.
Folding in orogens: a case study in the northern Iberian Variscan Belt.
Referencia y año:
'Geological Journal. ', 2010
' Bastida, F.; Aller, J.; Pulgar, J. A.; Toimil, N. C.; Fernandez, F. J.; Bobillo-Ares, N. C.; Menendez, C. O. '