
Departamento de Geología

Analysis of the fractal clustering of ore deposits in the Spanish Iberian Pyrite Belt.

Referencia y año:
'Ore Geology Reviews. ', 2010
' Gumiel, P.; Sanderson, D. J.; Arias, M.; Roberts, S.; Martin-Izard, A. '

Ornamental granites: Relationships between p-waves velocity, water capillary absorption and the crack network.

Referencia y año:
Construction And Building Materials., 2010
Vazquez, P.; Alonso, F. J.; Esbert, R. M.; Ordaz, J.

Invisible gold at the Arcos deposit (Lugo, NW of Spain).

Referencia y año:
Let'S Talk Ore Deposits, Vols I And Ii., 2011
Martinez-Abad, Iker; Cepedal, Antonia; Arias, Daniel; Martin-Izard, Agustin; Roberts, Stephen.

The Villalba gold district (Lugo, NW of Spain)

Referencia y año:
Let'S Talk Ore Deposits, Vols I And Ii., 2011
Martinez-Abad, Iker; Cepedal, Antonia; Arias, Daniel; Martin-Izard, Agustin

Mineralization of Sn-Ta-Nb oxides in Ponte Segade Deposit (North of Galicia, NW Spain).

Referencia y año:
Let'S Talk Ore Deposits, Vols I And Ii., 2011
Canosa, Francisco; Fuertes-Fuente, Mercedes; Martin-Izard, Agustin

The gold-bearing quartz-vein system of the Limarinho Deposit (northern Portugal).

Referencia y año:
Let'S Talk Ore Deposits, Vols I And Ii., 2011
Fuertes-Fuente, Mercedes; Cepedal, Antonia; Martin-Izard, Agustin; de Lima, Alexandre Campos; Doria, Armanda; Ribeiro, Maria dos Anjos; Guedes, Alexandra.

Conodont alteration and tectonothermal evolution of a diagenetic unit in the Iberian Variscan belt (Ponga-Cuera unit, NW Spain).

Referencia y año:
Geological Magazine, 2011
Blanco-Ferrera, Silvia; Sanz-Lopez, Javier; Garcia-Lopez, Susana; Bastida, Fernando; Luz Valin, M.

Geometry, structures and evolution of the western termination of the Alpine-Pyrenean Orogen reliefs (NW Iberian Peninsula).

Referencia y año:
Journal Of Iberian Geology., 2011
Martin-Gonzalez, F.; Heredia, N.