
Departamento de Geología

Kinetics of the solvent-mediated trasformation of hydromagnesite into magnesite at different temperatures.

Referencia y año:
MINERALOGICAL MAGAZINE 78, 1363-1372., 2014
F. Di Lorenzo, R. M. Rodríguez-Galán & M. Prieto

Nucleation and supersaturation in porous media (revisited).

Referencia y año:
MINERALOGICAL MAGAZINE 78, 1437-1447., 2014
M. Prieto

Non-equilibrium partitioning and compositional patterns during the growth of solid solutions from aqueous solutions: A cellular automaton simulation.

Referencia y año:
CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN 14, 2782-2793., 2014
M. Gonçalves & M. Prieto

From the continent to the coast: the bedload transport across the lower sector of the Guadiana River Mouth (Spain-Portugal)

Referencia y año:
Géomorphologie, 3(3), 251-260., 2014
Morales, J. A., Sedrati, M., Cantano, M., Rodríguez Ramírez, A., Delgado, I., Lozano, C., & Flor-Blanco, G.

Evolution of beach-dune fields systems following the construction of jetties in estuarine mouths (Cantabrian coast, NW Spain).

Referencia y año:
Environmental Earth Sciences, 73(3), 1317-1330., 2015
Flor-Blanco, G., Pando, L., Morales, J. A., & Flor, G.

Raised beaches in the Cantabrian coast. In landscapes and landforms of spain

Referencia y año:
Springer Netherlands. (pp. 239-248), 2014
Flor, G., & Flor-Blanco, G.

The Vilalba gold district, a new discovery in the Variscan terranes of the NW of Spain: A geologic, fluid inclusion and stable isotope study

Referencia y año:
Ore Geology Reviews, 66, 344-365, 2015, 2015
I. Martinez-Abad, A. Cepedal, D. Arias, A. Martin-Izard

Mechanical and crystallographic properties of injection-molded polyamide 66/sepiolite nanocomposites with different clay loading.

Referencia y año:
Polymer Composites. Article in press., 2015
Fernandez-Barranco, C., Yebra-Rodriguez, A., La Rubia-Garcia, M.D., Navas-Martos, F.J., Alvarez-Lloret, P.