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The Oviedo fold analysis group is a multi-disciplinary team formed mainly by members of the University of Oviedo (Spain). It was created in 1999 to gain insight into the 2D and 3D features of folds and fault-related folds. The research carried out by this team consists of:
- Employing numerical, laboratory and field techniques to unravel the geometry, kinematics and mechanics of both experimental and natural (field and subsurface) folds
- Developing new mathematical methods to analyse fold geometry, kinematics and mechanics
Research goals
- Develop a theoretical method (direct and inverse algorithms) to unravel strain patterns on asymmetric fold profiles originated by superposition of folding steps involving different fold kinematic mechanisms (flexural-flow, tangential longitudinal strain and generalised homogeneous strain)
- Unravel the strain state and the folding mechanisms in asymmetric natural folds (folds with cleavage from NW Spain and the Pyrenees, and recumbent folds in the Westasturian-leonese Zone and in the Helvetic nappes) knowing strain measurements and fabric analysis
- Understand the variation of the folding mechanisms as a function of the rheological properties and thickness of the folded layers by applying the numerical methods to the strain analysis in folds obtained from experimental or finite element methods (synthetic folds)
Fault-related folds developed in different tectonic settings (contraction, extension, inversion)
- Develop new tools to characterise the geometry and kinematics of fault-related folds
- Determine the best algorithms to restore fault-related folds
- Predict growth stratal, deformation and fracture patterns of fault-related folds: applications in natural resources exploration (underground water, minerals and hydrocarbons), geotechnical studies (tunnel and dump construction) and subsurface storage (radioactive waste disposal, CO2)
- Analyze the geometry, kinematic evolution and structural features of natural (field and subsurface) fault-related folds from the north portion of the Iberian Peninsula (Cantabrian Mountains, Basque-Cantabrian Basin and Pyrenees) and other regions around the world
- Jesús Aller (Dpt. of Geology)
- Fernando Bastida (Dpt. of Geology)
- Mayte Bulnes (Dpt. of Geology)
- Francisco J. Fernández (Dpt. of Geology)
- Josep Poblet (Dpt. of Geology)
- Jorge Pérez Alonso (Dpt. of Geology)
- Nilo C. Bobillo-Ares (Dpt. of Mathematics)
- César O. Menéndez-Pérez (Dpt. of Mathematics)
- Richard J. Lisle (School of Earth and Ocean Sciences Cardiff University, UK)
- Hodei Uzkeda (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK)
- Massimiliano Massini (Repsol Madrid)
- Lenin Valero (Schlumberger, Reinosa, Mexico)
Funded research projects
- Folding mechanisms: theory and applications in economic and regional geology
- Kinematics of thrust-related folds and associated minor structures inferred from the analysis and modelling of syntectonic sediments
- Strain analysis in asymmetric folds; application to recumbent folds and to cross-section restoration
- Validation of numerical models of fault-related folds by comparison with natural and experimental examples: applications in hydrocarbon exploration
- 3D Modelling of folding kinematic mechanisms: application and validation of natural examples
- Mechanical analysis of the deformation distribution in folds
- Development of fractures and veins related to folding
Collaboration with other Research Teams
- Dr. Christopher D. Connors; Department of Geology, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, United States. Dr. Connors was on sabbatical at the University of Oviedo during 2003 to analyse field examples and develop new models of growth fault-related folds in contractional settings together with members of the Oviedo team
- Dr. José Carlos García Ramos; Museo del Jurásico de Asturias (MUJA), Colunga, Spain
- Dr. Stuart Hardy; Institució catalana de recerca i estudis avançats (ICREA), Departament de Geología Dinámica i Geofísica, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Dr. Stuart Hardy is collaborating with members of the Oviedo team to develop new numerical methods to quantify the parameters that characterise some types of fault-related folds
- Dr. Santiago Martín; Departamento de Construcción e Ingeniería de Fabricación, Universidad de Oviedo, Gijón. IDEASCAD, Gijón, Spain
- Dr. José Luis Masaferro; Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales (YPF S.A.), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Dr. Masaferro supplied subsurface data (2D and 3D seismics, wells, Ultrasonic Borehole Image data) from different fault-related folds (offshore Cuba, Argentina, etc.) and collaborated with members of the Oviedo team in the analysis
- Dr. Rosana Menéndez-Duarte; INDUROT, Universidad de Oviedo, Mieres, Spain. Dr. Menéndez-Duarte is collaborating with members of the Oviedo team in the development of the Archinfo software applied to strain measurement and textural analysis
- Dr. Josep Anton Muñoz de la Fuente. Departament de Geodinámica i Geofísica, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Members of the Oviedo team are collaborating with Dr. Muñoz to carry out a paleomagnetic analysis of the Ainsa Basin (Pyrenees, Spain)
- Dr. Bahman Soleimany; Exploration Directorate, National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC.EXP), Tehran, Iran
- Dr. Scott Wilkerson; Department of Geology and Geography, DePauw University, Greencastle, United States. Dr. Wilkerson developed the Detach software to construct detachment fold models using an initial basic code created by members of the Oviedo team
- Dr. Sabina Bigi; Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Sapienza Universita di Roma, Roma, Italy
Dr. Bigi is collaborating with members of the Oviedo team to analyze field examples from the Apennines (Italy)
Web site of the Group
- Detach (Excel spreadsheet). Software to construct detachment folds formed by different amplification mechanisms according to the models defined by Poblet & McClay (1996). This material is based upon work supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 9972993. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation
- FoldModelerObliSurf (Mathematica system). Software to predict the geometry and strain distribution of theoretical folds formed according to the models defined by Bastida et al. (2003). It can be also used to model natural folds.
- FoldModeler (Mathematica system) Version 2. Software to predict the geometry and strain distribution of theoretical folds formed according to the models defined by Bastida et al. (2003). It can be also used to model natural folds
- Textures (Archinfo macros) (AML macros to shape-fabric analysis). Software to quantify the strain in rocks using several methods (Rf/f, Fry, Enhanced Fry, Aspas -juxtaposed segments-, etc.)
- NIANDU (MatLab Program). Software to simulate folds related to double-edge propagating faults
- Alonso, M. (2014): Análisis estructural de los materiales jurásicos de la playa de El Rinconín, Gijón. Trabajo de fin de Máster, Departamento de Geología, Universidad de Oviedo, 47 p.
- Flórez, R. (2013): Análisis de los sedimentos sintectónicos asociados a pliegues relacionados con fallas del frente de la cuña de acción del margen noribérico. Trabajo de fin de Máster, Departamento de Geología, Universidad de Oviedo, 62 p.
- Masini, M. (2007) : Strain prediction using cross-section restoration: examples from the Apennines and Cantabrian Mountains. Seminario de Investigación, University of Oviedo, 133 p.
- Masini, M. (in preparation): Geometría y cinemática de estructuras desarrolladas en contextos salinos. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Oviedo.
- Menéndez-Fernández, M. (2006) : Análisis de los pliegues relacionados con un cabalgamiento y de su fracturación asociada en la zona de La Peñona (Zona Cantábrica, NO Península Ibérica). Seminario de Investigación. University of Oviedo, 99 p.
- Moriano, I. (2011): Reconstrucción en profundidad de pliegues relacionados con fallas a partir de datos de superficie: comparación de diferentes interpretaciones viables. M.Sc Thesis, University of Oviedo, 165 p.
- Moriano, I. (in preparation): Reconstrucción en profundidad de pliegues relacionados con fallas. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Oviedo.
- Rodríguez Álvarez, I. (2014): Cataclasis relicta de mármoles de alta P y baja T. Trabajo de fin de Máster, Departamento de Geología, Universidad de Oviedo.
- Toimil, N.C. (2001) : Aplicación de las relaciones geométricas entre foliación y estratificación al análisis de mecanismos de plegamiento en estrcucturas del NO de la Península Ibérica. Seminario de Investigación, University of Oviedo, 70 p.
- Toimil, N.C. (2005) : Geometría y patrones de deformación de pliegues simétricos desarrollados en capas competentes. Ph.D. thesis, University of Oviedo, 270 p.
- Uzkeda, H. (2009) : Un modelo cinemático para pliegues que acomodan acortamiento en lasi terminaciones de fallas inversas: un ejemplo de la Cuenca de Jaca-Pamplona. MSc. thesis, University of Oviedo, 95 p.
- Uzkeda, H. (2013): Reconstrucción 3D y análisis estructural de las rocas jurásicas de Colunga-Tazones (Cuenca Asturiana, NO de la Península Ibérica). Tesis Doctoral, Departamento de Geología, Universidad de Oviedo, 244 p.
- Valero, L. (2012): Evolución estructural 3D del anticlinal de Nourooz y estructuras adyacentes (Golfo Pérsico). M.Sc. Thesis, University of Oviedo, 82 p.
- Valero, L. (in preparation): Geometría 3D y evolución estructural de pliegues de crecimiento situados en el subsuelo. Ph.D. Thesis, Universidad de Oviedo.
Short courses
Geometrical and kinematic analysis of folding. J. Aller, F. Bastida and N.C. Bobillo-Ares
- 30 hours short course
- Course taught at the Computers Room, Department of Geology, University of Oviedo, Spain
- Course available in Spanish
- If you are interested in this course, please contact F. Bastida
- Course contents: Geometrical characterisation of folds. Basics of deformation theory. Kinematic mechanisms of folding: equations that describe the distribution of deformation in different mechanisms. Analysis of superposition of different kinematic mechanisms of folding. Description and applications of the software "Foldmodeler". Field methods to analyse folding mechanisms in actual folds; analysis of collected data. Analysis of folding mechanisms in actual folds using "Foldmodeler".
Construction and validation of 2D structural interpretations
- J. Poblet, M. Bulnes and J. L. Alonso
- 20 hours short course in the laboratory + 2 days fieldtrip
- Course taught at the Seminar Room and Computers Room, Department of Geology, University of Oviedo, Spain (20 hours) and in the Cantabrian Mountains, NW Iberian Peninsula (2 days)
- Course available in Spanish
- If you are interested in this sort course, please contact J. Poblet
- Course contents: Fold reconstruction techniques. Depth to detachment estimations. Fold-prediction models (fault-to-bed models). Fault-prediction models (bed-to-fault models). Application of these techniques to different structural regimes: folds, folds and contractional faults, folds and extensional faults and syntectonic sediments. Balancing and restoration of geological cross sections using computer software: use of different algorithms in different structural regimes, validity of the different algorithms. Construction and validation of 2D structural interpretations through the Cantabrian Mountains, NW Iberian Peninsula.
Constructing retro-deformable sections across poorly constrained folds related to thrusts and normal faults using graphical and numerical techniques
- 20 hours short course
- Course taught at the Seminar Room, Department of Geology, University of Oviedo, Spain
- Course available in English and Spanish
- If you are interested in this sort course, please contact J. Poblet
- Course contents: Fold reconstruction techniques. Depth to detachment estimations. Fold-prediction models (fault-to-bed models). Fault-prediction models (bed-to-fault models). Application of these techniques to different structural regimes: folds, folds and contractional faults, folds and extensional faults.
Selected Publications by Members of the Team
Evolution of beach-dune fields systems following the construction of jetties in estuarine mouths (Cantabrian coast, NW Spain)
- Referencia y año:
- Environmental Earth Sciences, 2014, DOI 10.1007/s12665-014-3485-1, 2014
- Autores:
- Germán Flor-Blanco, Luis Pando, Juan Antonio Morales, Germán Flor
New insights about the Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous sedimentary successions from Asturias (NW Iberian Peninsula)
- Referencia y año:
- Journal of Iberian Geology. 10/2014; 40(3):409-430, 2014
- Autores:
- González-Fernández, B., Menéndez-Casares, E., Vicedo, V., Aramburu, C., Caus, E.
Invisible gold at the Salave Deposit, NW Spain.
- Referencia y año:
- ' Smart Science For Exploration And Mining, Vol 1 And 2.', 2010
- Autores:
- Martin-Izard, Agustin; Rodriguez-Terente, Luis.
New occurrences of the wood protocupressinoxylon purbeckensis francis: implications for terrestrial biomes in southwestern Europe at the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary.
- Referencia y año:
- Palaeontology, 2010
- Autores:
- Philippe, Marc; Billon-Bruyat, Jean-Paul; Garcia-Ramos, Jose C.; Bocat, Loic; Gomez, Bernard; Pinuela, Laura.
Effect of SO2 Dry Deposition on Porous Dolomitic Limestones.
- Referencia y año:
- ' Materials. ', 2010
- Autores:
- Olaru, Mihaela; Aflori, Magdalena; Simionescu, Bogdana; Doroftei, Florica; Stratulat, Lacramioara.
Brachiopods from Cordon de Lila, lower Silurian (Llandovery) quebrada Ancha Formation, Antofagasta region, Chile.
- Referencia y año:
- Evolution And Development Of The Brachiopod Shell., 2010
- Autores:
- Niemeyer, Hans; Alvarez, Fernando; Boucot, Arthur J.; Bruna, Manuel.
First report of a Late Jurassic lizard-like footprint (Asturias, Spain).
- Referencia y año:
- Journal Of Iberian Geology., 2010
- Autores:
- Avanzini, M.; Pinuela, L.; Garcia-Ramos, J. C.
Adaptations to hard substrates in Pennsylvanian productides (Brachiopoda) from the Cantabrian Mountains (north-west Spain).
- Referencia y año:
- 'Evolution And Development Of The Brachiopod Shell. ', 2010
- Autores:
- Martinez Chacon, Maria-Luisa; Prins, Cor F. Winkler.
Tropidoleptida (Brachiopoda) Devonian hopeful monsters or misplaced orphans.
- Referencia y año:
- Evolution And Development Of The Brachiopod Shell, 2010
- Autores:
- Harper, David A. T.; Alvarez, Fernando; Boucot, Arthur J.; Williams, Alwyn; Wright, Anthony D.; Schemm-Gregory, Mena.
Variation in the shell morphology of compsothyris (brachiopoda, recent) an example of the problems associated with the compilation of data matrices for phylogenetic analysis and the preparation of electronic databases.
- Referencia y año:
- Evolution And Development Of The Brachiopod Shell., 2010
- Autores:
- Alvarez, Fernando; Curry, Gordon B.; Brime, Covadonga; Anadon, Nuria.
Foreword and an appreciation of howard brunton.
- Referencia y año:
- Evolution And Development Of The Brachiopod Shell., 2010
- Autores:
- Alvarez, Fernando; Curry, Gordon B.
Thermodynamic models and experimental petrology: the case of the anhydrous melting of the 'Ollo de Sapo' gneiss.
- Referencia y año:
- Estudios Geologicos-Madrid., 2010
- Autores:
- Garcia-Arias, M.; Corretge, L. G
Semi-ordered crystalline structure of the Santa Olalla vermiculite inferred from X-ray powder diffraction.
- Referencia y año:
- American Mineralogist., 2010
- Autores:
- Arguelles, Arancha; Leoni, Matteo; Blanco, Jesus A.; Marcos, Celia.
Kinetics of crystal nucleation in ionic solutions: Electrostatics and hydration forces.
- Referencia y año:
- Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta., 2010
- Autores:
- Kowacz, Magdalena; Prieto, Manuel; Putnis, Andrew.
Cross-section restoration: A tool to simulate deformation. Application to a fault-propagation fold from the Cantabrian fold and thrust belt, NW Iberian Peninsula.
- Referencia y año:
- Journal Of Structural Geology. , 2010
- Autores:
- Masini, Massimiliano; Bulnes, Mayte; Poblet, Josep.
Chronological distribution of Pleistocene cold-adapted large mammal faunas in the Iberian Peninsula.
- Referencia y año:
- Quaternary International., 2010
- Autores:
- Alvarez-Lao, Diego J.; Garcia, Nuria.
Location, location, location: changes in the diversity of animal resources exploited by Tardiglacial humans in northern Spain.
- Referencia y año:
- Journal Of Quaternary Science., 2010
- Autores:
- Turrero, Pablo; Garcia-Vazquez, Eva; Arbizu, Miguel; Adan, Gema E.
Silsesquioxane-based Hybrid Nanocomposite with Self-assembling Properties for Porous Limestones Conservation.
- Referencia y año:
- High Performance Polymers., 2010
- Autores:
- Simionescu, Bogdana; Olaru, Mihaela; Aflori, Magda; Cotofana, Corneliu.
Fabric Development in a Middle Devonian Intraoceanic Subduction Regime: The Careon Ophiolite (Northwest Spain).
- Referencia y año:
- 'Journal Of Geology. ', 2010
- Autores:
- ' Gomez Barreiro, J.; Martinez Catalan, J. R.; Prior, D.; Wenk, H. -R.; Vogel, S.; Diaz Garcia, F.; Arenas, R.; Sanchez Martinez, S.; Lonardelli, I. '
A peri-Gondwanan arc in NW Iberia. II: Assessment of the intra-arc tectonothermal evolution through U-Pb SHRIMP dating of mafic dykes.
- Referencia y año:
- Gondwana Research., 2010
- Autores:
- Diaz Garcia, F.; Martinez, S. Sanchez; Castineiras, P.; Fuenlabrada, J. M.; Arenas, R.
REE-assisted U-Pb zircon age (SHRIMP) of an anatectic granodiorite: Constraints on the evolution of the A Silva granodiorite, Iberian allochthonous complexes.
- Referencia y año:
- Lithos, 2010
- Autores:
- Castineiras, P.; Diaz Garcia, F.; Gomez Barreiro, J
A peri-Gondwanan arc in NW Iberia I: Isotopic and geochemical constraints on the origin of the arc-A sedimentary approach.
- Referencia y año:
- Gondwana Research, 2010
- Autores:
- Fuenlabrada, J. M.; Arenas, R.; Martinez, S. Sanchez; Diaz Garcia, F.; Castineiras, P.
Modelling shallow landslide susceptibility: a new approach in logistic regression by using favourability assessment.
- Referencia y año:
- 'International Journal Of Earth Sciences. ', 2010
- Autores:
- ' Jose Dominguez-Cuesta, Maria; Jimenez-Sanchez, Montserrat; Colubi, Ana; Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Gil. '
A speleothem record of glacial (25-11.6 kyr BP) rapid climatic changes from northern Iberian Peninsula.
- Referencia y año:
- Global And Planetary Change., 2010
- Autores:
- ' Moreno, Ana; Stoll, Heather; Jimenez-Sanchez, Montserrat; Cacho, Isabel; Valero-Garces, Blas; Ito, Emi; Edwards, R. Lawrence'
Background Noise Characteristics at the IberArray Broadband Seismic Network.
- Referencia y año:
- 'Bulletin Of The Seismological Society Of America. ', 2010
- Autores:
- ' Diaz, J.; Villasenor, A.; Morales, J.; Pazos, A.; Cordoba, D.; Pulgar, J.; Garcia-Lobon, J. L.; Harnafi, M.; Carbonell, R.; Gallart, '
The Technological and Typological Behaviour ff a Neanderthal Group from El Sidron Cave (asturias, Spain).
- Referencia y año:
- 'Oxford Journal Of Archaeology. ', 2010
- Autores:
- ' Santamaria, David; Fortea, Javier; De la Rasilla, Marco; Martinez, Lucia; Martinez, Enrique; Carlos Canaveras, Juan; Sanchez-Moral, Sergio; Rosas, Antonio; Estalrrich, Almudena; Garcia-Tabernero, Antonio; Lalueza-Fox, Carles. '
Expansion behaviour of commercial vermiculites at 1000 degrees
- Referencia y año:
- 'Applied Clay Science. ', 2010
- Autores:
- ' C. Marcos, C.; Rodriguez, I. '
Power and pitfalls of trace element geochemistry in zircon from high-temperature-high-pressure rocks: Some examples from NW Spain.
- Referencia y año:
- Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta., 2010
- Autores:
- Castineiras, P.; Gomez Barreiro, J.; Fernandez Rodriguez, F. J.; Aguilar, C.
Photograph of the Month: Flexural slip folding of foresets in cross-bedded sandstones.
- Referencia y año:
- 'Journal Of Structural Geology. ', 2010
- Autores:
- ' Aller, J.; Bastida, F.; Lisle, R. J.; Ramsay, J. G. '
Upper crust reworking during gravitational collapse: the Bembibre-Pico Sacro detachment system (NW Iberia).
- Referencia y año:
- 'Journal Of The Geological Society. ', 2010
- Autores:
- ' Gomez Barreiro, Juan; Martinez Catalan, Jose R.; Diez Fernandez, Ruben; Arenas, Ricardo; Diaz Garcia, Florentino. '
Hydrogeological and Mineralogical Analysis of the Pre-Romanesque Monument of Santa Maria del Naranco, Asturias, Spain.
- Referencia y año:
- Geoarchaeology-An International Journal, 2010
- Autores:
- Gonzalez Fernandez, Beatriz; Marcos Pascual, Celia; Menendez Casares, Eduardo.
Experimental simulation of melt migration in stromatic metatexite migmatites.
- Referencia y año:
- 'Mineralogy And Petrology. ', 2010
- Autores:
- ' Garcia-Arias, Marcos; Guillermo Corretge, Luis; Castro, Antonio. '
Neogene brachiopods from the southwestern Guadalquivir basin (south Spain).
- Referencia y año:
- 'Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Geologicas. ', 2010
- Autores:
- ' Toscano-Grande, Antonio; Garcia-Ramos, Diego; Ruiz-Munoz, Francisco; Luz Gonzalez-Regalado, Maria; Abad, Manuel; Civis-Llovera, Jorge; Angel Gonzalez-Delgado, Jose; Rico-Garcia, Alberto; Luisa Martinez-Chacon, Maria; Xiomara Garcia, Edith; Gabriel Pendon-Martin, Jose. '
Ocean acidification and surface water carbonate production across the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum.
- Referencia y año:
- 'Earth And Planetary Science Letters. ', 2010
- Autores:
- ' Gibbs, Samantha J.; Stoll, Heather M.; Bown, Paul R.; Bralower, Timothy J. '
Dating of the Hominid (Homo Neanderthalensis) Remains Accumulation from El Sidron Cave (Piloña, Asturias, North Spain): An Example Of A Multi-Methodological Approach to the Dating ff Upper Pleistocene Sites.
- Referencia y año:
- Archaeometry, 2010
- Autores:
- de Torres, T.; Ortiz, J. E.; Gruen, R.; Eggins, S.; Valladas, H.; Mercier, N.; Tisnerat-Laborde, N.; Julia, R.; Soler, V.; Martinez, E.; Sanchez-Moral, S.; Canaveras, J. C.; Lario, J.; Badal, E.; Lalueza-Fox, C.; Rosas, A.; Santamaria, D.; de la Rasilla, M.; Fortea, J.
Kinematic analysis of asymmetric folds in competent layers using mathematical modelling.
- Referencia y año:
- 'Journal Of Structural Geology. ', 2010
- Autores:
- ' Aller, J.; Bobillo-Ares, N. C.; Bastida, F.; Lisle, R. J.; Menendez, C. O. '
Mineralogy and modulus of rupture of roofing slate: Applications in the prospection and quarrying of slate deposits.
- Referencia y año:
- 'Engineering Geology. ', 2010
- Autores:
- ' Cardenes, V.; Rubio-Ordonez, A.; Lopez-Munguira, A.; De la Horra, R.; Monterroso, C.; Paradelo, R.; Calleja, L. '
Rodents from the Lower Oligocene of the Bierzo Basin (Leon, Spain).
- Referencia y año:
- 'Neues Jahrbuch Fur Geologie Und Palaontologie-Abhandlungen. ', 2010
- Autores:
- ' Freudenthal, Matthijs; Martin-Suarez, Elvira; Heredia Carballo, Nemesio; Roberto Rodriguez-Fernandez, Luis; Martin Gonzalez, Fidel. '
A geometric and kinematic model for double-edge propagating thrusts involving hangingwall and footwall folding. An example from the Jaca-Pamplona Basin (Southern Pyrenees).
- Referencia y año:
- Geological Journal. , 2010
- Autores:
- Uzkeda, Hodei; Poblet, Josep; Bulnes, Mayte.
Folding in orogens: a case study in the northern Iberian Variscan Belt.
- Referencia y año:
- 'Geological Journal. ', 2010
- Autores:
- ' Bastida, F.; Aller, J.; Pulgar, J. A.; Toimil, N. C.; Fernandez, F. J.; Bobillo-Ares, N. C.; Menendez, C. O. '