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This PhD Programme is mainly directed to Graduates in Sciences of Life, preferably in Biology and Geology, Biotechnology, Environmental, Forestry and Rural Sciences and other related sciences.
In the case of the field of Geology and Geosystems, the preferred Undergraduate Degrees (or equivalent Bachelor's and Engineering Degrees) are Geology, Geological Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Engineering in Mineral and Energy Resources and Environmental Engineering. In second place there are other Degrees, such as Geography and Territorial Planning, Sea Sciences, Geomatic Engineering and Topography, and other traditional Degrees in Sciences (Chemistry and Physics).
In the case of the field of Vegetable Biotecnology, Ecology and Biodiversity and Management and Conservation of Biological Resources, the Undergraduate Degrees (or equivalent Bachelor's and Engineering Degrees) that have preference are Biology, Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences, Marine Biology, Sea Sciences, Forestry and Natural Environment Engineering, Rural Sciences, etc. Other Degrees may have strong connections to this field, though they would require complementary formation, such as Biochemistry, Geography and Territorial Planning, etc.
In terms of Master's Degrees, as a general rule, the PhD Programme will considerate very positively a Master's Degree in specializations related to the lines of research of the Programme that has granted the student with previous knowledge and skills that allow them to approach the specific research conducted either in the lines of "Biology" or "Geology and Geosystems", depending on which the student has chosen to develop their PhD research.
The Master's Degrees in Geological Resources & Engineering Geology, Biotechnology Applied to Conservation & Sustainable Management of Plant Resources, Environmental and Health Biotechnology and Marine Biodiversity and Conservation offered by the University of Oviedo, as well as similar ones offered by other Spanish and international universities, have preferent and direct access (without complementary formation) to the PhD Programme in the corresponding line of research. Other Master's Degrees, with similar nature or that are compatible with the lines of research and give enough formation to the student to start a researcher career in Biology or Geology, may be evaluated very positively and may not require complementary formation.
Teaching languages will be Spanish and/or English. A minimum knowledge of English, equivalente to a B1 level, is required.
Admission criteria:
The selection of candidates will be conducted based on the following criteria:
- Academic record: 5 points.
- PhD grant: 1 point.
- Professional experience and previous scientific production: 1 point.
- Level of knowledge of English proved by official examination: 1 point.*
- Suitability of the previous Undergraduate and Master's Degrees to the PhD Programme: 2 points.
*Minimum level required for evaluation: B1.
Part-time students
In order to be admitted as a part-time student, the candidate must prove that their are working at the time of completing the application form by providing a certificate of employment. The selection of students admitted into one of the 5 places reserved for part-time dedication will be conducted based on the months of employment with 0.1 points given for each month worked.
Formation complementary:
The students who come from the Master's Degrees in Geological Resources & Engineering Geology, Biotechnology Applied to Conservation & Sustainable Management of Plant Resources, Environmental and Health Biotechnology and Marine Biodiversity and Conservation offered by the University of Oviedo will not need complementary formation. Other Master's Degrees that provide similar contents or that are coherent with the lines of research and give enough research formation in Biology and Geology, offered by other Spanish or foreign universities, will not require any complementary formation either.
Students who access the PhD Programme with a Master's Degree that does not fulfill the aforementioned criteria, and those who present a fundamental lack of previous formation according to the PhD Committee, will have to take the complementary formation.
The students who access the PhD Programme with an Undergraduate Degree whose duration is, at least, of 300 ECTS, will have to take compulsory complementary formation, unless the teaching plan of the Degree includes credits in research formation, equivalent to credits assigned for this practice in research Master's Degrees.
The complementary formation that the the student will have to take will be of a maximum of 18 ECTS, corresponding to subjects of Master's Degrees offered by the University of Oviedo, selected according to the line of research requested by the applicant and their previous formation. The subjects that will be part of these complements are detailed as follows:
- "Geology and Geosystems"
- Mineralogy and applied and environmental geochemistry (3 ECTS)
- Digital cartography and systems of geographical information (SGI) (3 ECTS)